So here I am, I stumble apon this game. I am a big brother fan! Who Is not?
I have always wanted to play just to see if I could be the unexpected. I want to play them all.
Can I? I plan on giving it my all. So i signed up.
Why Chelsia you wonder? In her season, season 9, I felt that she was evicted before her time.
I will admit, she went about her speech in an unclassy way but I still love Chelsia. She could have went all the way if
she just would have fought to stay in. Instead, she broke down and decided that rampaging would be her outtting.
Anyways, I pondered throught the game after signing on and looked at some of the cast members. TIME TO CHOOSE A ROOM.
Well, me, being a girl who loves the sun, seen the lovley room called Summer..
and I see that its full. Michael, Jessica and Bunky have already threw their bags on the beds and
are looking quite cozy. there is no way I am going to be in the winter room. bleah! SPRING TIME!
The next best thing! And to my luck I see two of three living in there, one bed left.
I am now roomies with Natalie and Alison.
My plan is too talk with some of the housemates. So far, I have recieved messages from Jesssica and Eric.
« Message sent december 14th at 7:28pm »
JESSICA:Hey Girl! How are you? This game is going to be fun!
CHELSIA: hey, I am hoping that it will be. I am in need of a bit of BB excitement.
JESSICA: ME too! BB <3 I can't wait till next season starts on TV.
CHELSIA: Oh I could not agree more! I just hate having to wait a full year for another one to come on.
My extreme anticipation makes me want to explode.
JESSICA: I know! I want another winter edition of BB in February. Two BBs a year isn't so bad.
CHELSIA: No, it's not that bad. it not like it gets boring or anything. there is always plenty going on
between the live feeds and the show. I love it!
Message sent december 15th at 1:29pm »
ERIC: Hey Chelsia, how are you? Looks like a great game.
CHELSIA: Hey Eric. I am good, thank you.This cast looks amazing for certain. Are you ready for an exciting game?
ERIC: I am ready, I hope its exciting, what about you?
CHELSIA: I am pretty sure that it will be, I am sure there will be no need to worry about that
This is the beginning of the game, and I plan on it being a good one! I hope that I can get the first POV and weezle my
way in with that. I do NOT want the first HOH, as it always puts a huge target on your back, you always end up
being a target after all the dirty work is done. I suppose we will see how it all goes. At the same time I hope that I am
not a target strait away.